During an Event


  • Dos and Don'ts:

  • DO:

    • Use common sense.
    • Monitor local media. Remember, social media is not necessarily the best source of information.
    • Stay inside away from windows, skylights, and glass doors.


  • Use your generator inside the house or garage.
  • Use flaming candles. They are a fire hazard.
  • Move barricades on roads that are blocked.
  • “Sightsee” during and immediately after a storm. Stay home.
  • Grill in your garage.
  • Run your car in the garage in the event you need to charge your cell phone.

Evacuation - What to Take
 What to take with you if you Evacuate your Home or Go to a Shelter in time of a Disaster

Shelter in Place - Hurricane Survival


Brunswick County uses ReadyBrunswick as part of the County’s effort to continuously improve communications during emergency situations within Brunswick County. Through the alert system, emergency alert notifications are sent by the emergency communications center in a variety of communication methods such as: Landline, Cellular, SMS (Text Messaging), Email, and TDD/TTY devices.

National Weather Service

The NWS offers information about Active Alerts, Forecasts, Radar, Rivers, Lakes, Rainfall, Air Quality, Satellite Imagery and Past Weather. You can also access the local forecast by clicking on this link for Southport.


Access an interactive map that allows you to view the entire state or zoom in on a specific area. Map filters allow you to display cameras, congestion, rest areas, and snow and ice, along with planned road work and current incidents. An incident list is also available. This is one of the best tools available to assist in your travels to and from St. James, especially during challenging weather events or when heavy traffic causes road delays.

WECT Hurricane Center

WECT has historically played a core role when the Town of St. James presents its annual Hurricane Preparedness Seminar. Their hurricane website offers a broad array of related educational topics as well as video content that covers current weather events.

Local Web Cameras

Local cameras offer real-time views of the surrounding area and may help you to determine if travel or beach visits are safe. Please let us know if you've discovered additional cameras that may broaden our reach.