Before an Event

Dos and Don'ts


  • Use common sense.
  • Sign up for Brunswick County Emergency Notification System: Brunswick County Emergency Notification System for County-Wide alerts.
  • Sign up for Special Needs registry with Brunswick County if necessary: or call 910-253-5383 to register by phone.
  • Ensure your POA profile is up to date for TOSJ specific alerts.
  • Have an emergency plan. Share it with your family and friends either verbally or by email.
  • Plan for your pets. Check pet friendly hotel availability. Bring their current immunization papers, food, and any meds they may be on.
  • Pack a Go Bag - details on what to include are listed in the Disaster Preparedness Guide.  Put it in your car. Back your car into the garage.
  • Pack important papers - insurance documents, passport, etc. Additional guidelines may be found in the Disaster Preparedness Guide.
  • Keep your vehicle fuel level topped off. Use caution if storing spare cans of gas.
  • Prepare to be self-sufficient for a minimum of 5 -7 days. This includes; food, water, and medicines for you and your pets, oxygen, if necessary, etc. Additional guidelines may be found in the Disaster Preparedness Guide.
  • Follow Emergency Personnel directions.
  • Store drinking water in disinfected bathtubs, jugs, bottles and cooking pots.
  • Save large plastic bottles, fill them with water and freeze them. Leave room for expansion.
  • Turn refrigerator to its coldest setting.
  • Keep cell phones fully charged. Consider purchasing an external charger. If you don't have one, purchase a car charger.
  • Have cash/coins on hand in the event of power outage - ATMs may not function.
  • Keep flashlights and extra batteries for all equipment on hand.
  • Have fire extinguishers on hand – know where they are and how to use them.
  • Turn off your sprinkler system. If you don't know how, contact your irrigation system provider or landscaper.
  • Test your generator – if you have one. Educate yourselves on "back-feeding".
  • Secure any yard ornaments, deck, and porch furniture that could become damage- inflicting missiles.
  • Check storm drains in and around your area. If you see issues, report to POA.
  • Educate yourself on how to secure French doors that may blow open.
  • In the event you evacuate, turn off propane and water at the main. If you don't know how, contact your propane provider/water company for instruction.
  • Check-in with your neighbors.

  Remember the adage: Turn around. Don't drown. Hide from wind. Run from water.


Wait till the last minute to evacuate. The surrounding evacuation routes flood early.

Evacuation - What to Take
What to take with you if you Evacuate your Home or Go to a Shelter in time of a Disaster

Shelter in Place - Hurricane Survival

Brunswick County Access and Functional Needs Program 

What is the Access and Functional Needs Registry - When entering your information to establish a sign-on, at the final step in the process, check the  box "Access and Functional Needs Registry" under Alert
Subscriptions to opt in to the registry.

Brunswick County Emergency Notification System

Ready Brunswick - Everbridge

  • Get notified about emergencies and other important community news by signing up for our Ready Brunswick Emergency Notification System.  
  • This system enable us to provide you with critical information quickly in a variety of situations, such as severe weather, unexpected road closures, missing persons, evacuations of buildings or neighborhoods, and more.
  • You will receive time-sensitive messages wherever you specify, such as your home, mobile or business phones, email address, text messages and more.  You pick where, you pick how.

National Weather Service

WECT Hurricane Center

Brunswick Nuclear Plant 2024 Emergency Preparedness Information
This guide contains important emergency planning information for people who live within 10 miles of our nuclear power plants (also known as the emergency planning zones or EPZs). The information was developed by state and local officials in conjunction with Duke Energy and is updated annually. The guide provides basic information about radiation and how to prepare for a nuclear emergency. State and county officials and Duke Energy want you to be prepared and to know what to do in the unlikely event of an emergency at one of our nuclear plants.